Thursday, October 16, 2008

My munchkins are doing so well at the sitters.

Junior is so good at the sitters. He isn't throwing stuff around. He isn't yelling much and takes long naps. Ha! So why doesn't that happen at home? That's because he is such a show off in front of his Mama. He knows his mom is going find everything he does cute so he gets away with it.

His latest thing is putting his head between my legs while I'm standing. Then he giggles. When I pick him up, he claps. Then after I put him down he just swings his legs in the air so I don't let him go. I just sit him on the floor. Of course, he has to clap again.

Amelia is doing great too. Except for she refuses to use the potty over there. The first day she peed 5 times on herself. I'm so done with potty training. I'm just gonna let her potty train herself when she's 18.

Other than that, they are really happy over at the sitter's house.
And the best part is how my house is still semi-decent when I get home. They usually did a great job at trashing it when they were home all day.