Friday, October 3, 2008

Amelia and Junior had their wellness check-ups

Junior is 24lbs and 32in tall. Amelia is 31lbs and 37in tall.
They are so unbelievably close in stats.

Junior is due to go back when he's 2 years old. That will be in April. Dr Roberts said that he is right on track and not to worry about his speech. She said boys take longer than girls to develop. Why does that sounds so familiar? Oh must be because I'm still waiting for Albert to catch up with me and he's two years older.

I'm not happy about the typical speech response. I knew she would say that.
Junior only has two words in his vocabulary. That and dada.
She said that since he claps and kisses when asked that his communication skills are right on target.

Of course Albert mocks me and says I expect him to do my college homework.
I just want him to say mama or cup or ball or something. Why doesn't anyone get that?
He got two shots today and he was not happy at all.

Amelia got her vision checked. They pulled out shapes and had her call them out. She then had a hearing test which she passed with flying colors. Amelia doesn't have to come back until next year for her annual check up. She had a Hep B shot though. Its the last shot she needed. She's done now.

I can't wait to get home and spend some time with them.
I'm looking forward to taking them to a pumpkin patch sometime this weekend. I hope it happens. I gotta work this weekend and I'm hoping for one of my parties to fall thru so I can take them to get their pumpkins.

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