Thursday, October 2, 2008

Last night I had planned to do nothing at all.

However, I spend the entire evening last night looking for the friggin REMOTE!!!

I didn't cook, I didn't do housechores, I didn't do anything but turn the house upside down looking for the remote to the TV downstairs.

It was one of those days where I wanted to go home and just lay on the couch for once. I mentioned on the entry below how I was already stressing at work and needed some relaxation.

Deija lost the remote and Albert was at work. She had the tv on MTV. We got comcast so it's not like I could switch the channels from the box. I don't have any cable upstairs so no extra remote around the house.

I just wanted to put "On Demand" for the kids while I got online for a little while then watch tv.

To top it off - I couldn't find any DVDs for the kids to watch. Everything was regular movies that would entertain them one bit.

Can I just say I am not a fan of MTV...

This morning Albert found the remote in a empty cereal box. Junior apparently found a new spot for it.

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