Monday, March 5, 2007

My rough weekend at 33 weeks.

I woke up with heartburn on friday night. I took some Maalox and again I started vomiting. I was up all night from 2am until the morning doing nothing but vomiting and screaming in pain.
I finally decided to go to the ER at 8am. I didn't have anything left in my stomach and still the pain wouldn't go away.
I went to the nearest hospital because I thought since it was non-maternity related I could go to a different (closer) hospital. Well when I got there they wouldn't see me at their ER. They wheel chaired me to the maternity floor. I was so embarrassed because I knew it was stupid that I was up there. Plus the baby was okay.
Well they opened the doors the their maternity section and a woman was in labor. She was screaming and they were counting and telling her to push. I started crying in fear and kept telling them I'm not ready for this and I want to leave. Nothing is wrong with my baby. That is not why I'm there.
Well they put me on the monitor and I was having huge contractions. I always have them so its not biggie. I don't even feel them. But they said its from vomiting so much that causes contractions.
Then I vomited a few times while there until the bag of fluids was done. I fell asleep during the second bag. They gave me some ginger ale and if I didn't puke I could go home.
The pain was all gone after the IV so I went home.
I was so scared to eat all day. This was the third time in 2 weeks that I'd been up vomiting. I don't know what it is.
My cervix is still 1cm dilated so that's good.

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